Step into your highest receiving timeline with money and life, as you amplify your impact and build a business that you love.

Ahhh, yes this is for me!

It’s one thing to *make* good money in your business…

But a whole other thing to *receive* exponential levels of money from your pleasure and peace, in a way that’s anchored into a business eco-system that knows how to hold *you* and the delicious life you desire to create.

Is landing you into growing a business that was never made for YOU and your unique receivership blueprint. 

For women who desire their BIGNESS, who are driven to create a movement with their body of work— building a business from an extraction based paradigm, where you’re taught to do more and more in order to receive more, where you’re taught to overcomplicate your strategies and your business to get results…

…is being determined and shaped by your nervous system receivership capacity.

Where you receive the expansive money you desire, without it having to *cost* you the delicious life you want to live…

Where money flows in with your ease and peace intact, as you create a business that’s uniquely moulded to you and the kind of life that you desire to live…

Creating a sustainable and luscious business that feels like an exhale in your body…

The somatic set point that your nervous system has with receiving money, and the level of ease, peace and pleasure that your nervous system feels “safe” to access right now…

… is creating the entire eco-system of your business, and moulding the decisions, actions, and the embodiment and resonance of your strategies as you grow and scale. 


To expand out of your *current* somatic set point of receivership with money and to step into your highest timeline of receiving with money, where your business eco-system is tailored to your unique body blueprint for sustainable and luscious success—

You have to calibrate and disrupt what your nervous system feels safe with now, in order to anchor into a new standard of receivership that allows you to ground in exponential money results, with somatic strategies that fit *you* and the unique way that you’re meant to move and be held inside of your business eco-system. 


October 8th-28th, 2024

Step into your highest receiving timeline with money and life, as you amplify your impact and build a business that you love.

a 21 day nervous system money calibration experience to expand your business with ease, peace and pleasure…


The biggest resistance in your body isn’t in whether you’re going to make the money you desire…

…but rather whether you’ll be able to tap into the level of receivership with your money and life that you want as you expand your business.

One thing I’ve learned after working with hundreds of visionary female entrepreneurs and scaling my own half a million dollar per year business:

Inside of my own journey of growing a business, I’ve *made* money by sacrificing myself and my desires, always busy, doing more and more to make more and more, at the expense of my life…

And I’ve *received* money, anchoring into my receivership at higher and deeper levels, increasing my access to peace and pleasure, and welcoming in a life filled with love, adventure and ALIVENESS. 

The more that I expanded my nervous system capacity to receive more money from ease, peace and pleasure, the more I quantum leaped my income and welcomed in more with less doing because my body was operating in resonance with how I was meant to create, do, and receive.

When your nervous system has been conditioned to grow a business disconnected from your own body and replicating someone else’s blueprint of success…

The most beautiful part?

When your nervous system has been conditioned into pushing, hustling and stressing your way into the money you want to create…

It’s easy to fall into the trap of “sacrificing” in order to create your dream.

Inside of Soma Wealth..

.. You are going to be stretching your nervous system into new edges of receivership with the amount of money you are welcoming in, and with the depth and level of ease, peace and pleasure you are accessing

— as you translate the nervous system shifts into action steps and somatic strategies that are emerging from the lens and embodiment of this expanded receiving paradigm with your money and business. 

What’s included:

with voice activations from me through the 21 days to expand what’s possible for you and to guide you on your experience

a Telegram broadcast channel

at the very beginning and at the very end where I’ll be teaching on how to expand your money and business from the seat of your receivership and integrate that into the strategic direction of your business.

2 live calls

a somatic meditation experience

to expand your nervous system receivership with your money and business that you will be working with for 21 days

Your Investment




Your receivership blueprint knows exactly how to move to welcome in the money that you desire, in a way that’s in congruence for you and the delicious life you are here to live.


Let your expanded body show you what’s possible when you let go of the “rules”, “should’s” and nervous system upper limits that aren’t in coherence with your lushness and the bigness of your vision.

It’s time to claim your next level of receiving.